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Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Road trip!

So last month I took a road trip with my kids and boyfriend. It was an amazing time. 

My kids love him so much and behave with him. When all of us are together things run so smoothly. 

The road trip had a few bumps here and there. But a together it was amazing! 

The drive up to grande prairie was amazing. First time my kids remember driving through the Rockies. We listens to conference talks, chatted, and had fun! 

We went up there for one of my best friends 30th birthday. Was great to hang out and chill. She is one of those friends who no matter how long you are apart you just pick up where you left off! 

I got to see my boyfriend interact with my kids, with the other kids there, and my friends. I fell in love with this man a over again! 

It was hard during the party. It was my first big party being sober. I usually am the one doing vodka or pornstar shots. Was so different drinking just Diet Coke. 

Thankfully I have amazing friends who made it no big deal. I played beer pong for the first time, but with no beer. And played some fun card games.

We went to sacrament at 9am the night after the party. Then we drove to Edmonton. Spent a night at a hotel then we went the Edmonton temple. 

My kids went for the first time. It was good to think and to get guidance. And pray. I have been going through a lot of emotional things and I need to just go sit in the temple grounds right now but don't think I will get there for awhile. 

We hit an LDS book store after and I spent way way too much. But it's good. We then drove back home. Got home super super late. 

This trip is when my children fell in love with him. When they ask when he is coming over. When they want to go out with him. When they ask if he can come to there field trips at school. When they ask for him to help with homework. When they go out together to the comic book store and hang out without me for a few hours. When he comes home so super excited and full of happiness. 

It's been six months with this man. There have been more ups then down. I know where I want this to go. But I'm waiting to get confirmation from the spirit. 

I think I'll touch more on this in another post tomorrow 

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