Things have not been all that great. My kids father has decided to stop paying his child support after we went to court to get day care costs figured out. He did not like the judgement from the court that he would have to pay some child support.
Christmas was rough but I had a random person help me out and I was able to get great gifts for the kids. They had an amazing christmas and even got some clothing for the new year. Things were going great till we were hit with a nasty cold and strep throat.
Im in my early 30's and never expected to be divorced. I always had that white picket fence dream and when it came crashing down 4 years ago it was a lot to deal with. I have tried to give my kids the best but its hard. I have taken care of my mother and watched her die. I have taken care of my father who lives with me and tried to take care of his care as much as I can. I also have 3 kids that I take care of and now 2 of them have special needs and it gets to be a lot.
I think the hardest part is when people from community services say that they are going to help and get us connected and then nothing happens. They just don't return phone calls, or don't fill out the paper work. Im just beyond exhausted from trying to get things going for my kids to make sure they are taken care of.
I am at the point where Im exhausted from taking care of everyone. I have taken care of everyone for so long and without a real break. I am falling apart but its that slow motion like when you drop a glass and everyone is grasping for it but it keeps falling and no one can get to it in time. I feel like Im falling and no one can help me.
Im trying to just to keep my head above the water. I just keep praying and hoping that things will get better and that the trials that Im going through will get easier.